6 Colwick Road, Nottingham UK
+44 7830 885825 , 0044(0)115 888 3318

Online Shop, Ebay and Etsy Manager

Create listings on Etsy and Ebay worldwide for all our products.

Content Graphoics Videos Content etc can be taken form Amazon but it has to be improved upon.

Trasfering all content of listings from Amazon and Ebay and Etsy on our online store Areton-ltd.com. The content on our online store has to be much richer than the content of Amazon, ebay and Etsy comined. This is because we own the store and we are free to make it much better. Therefore the manager haste starting pint of the existing content, graphics of Amazon, Betsy and embay , and he/she can copy/Paste and of course improve drammatically the quality and quality of our listings and content for each product on ourown website. It is expected a much better quantity and quality of content , graphics and videos on our website than on Amazon, ebay and etsy,

Testing new product listing on Emby , at least two new products per day. The listing are test runs to determine the emend for certain products, this way we can plan manufacture of new products. The level of graphics and content can be basic.

Vat returns preparation and filing

Reminding of tax returns to submit in every year in August

Remind confirmation statements for all companies





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