Well, this one might work it might not – the reason being that garlic reduces the bad cholesterol levels and therefore, can treat xanthelasma. But, as research shows, not many people have benefited by eating garlic. So you should eat garlic, no doubt about that, but don’t be too optimistic about the results. And one more thing – applying garlic paste on your xanthelasma is not going to work so please try that at your peril!

It is true that many people who had Xanthelasma in the past, developed them again after removal. This is because this condition is not always a mere result of a bad lifestyle and/or bad diet, but it is predominantly a genetic condition that makes certain individuals more prone to developing Xanthelasmas, over and over again. There are also individuals who develop Xanthelasmas due to their poor diet and sedentary lifestyle.
To those who have been affected by Xanthelasmas predominantly due to genetics the recurrence will be out of their control. However effective, low risk and inexpensive treatment is now available therefore recurrence should not stress anybody out.
For those whose Xanthelasmas are directly related to their lipids in the bloodstream a healthy lifestyle and regular exercise will prevent the Xanthomas from recurring after removal. In some cases, it has also been shown how those individuals can literally treat their Xanthelasmas by improving their diet quality and taking on exercise. So these are the lucky once who have the power to control their condition and prevent the Xanthelasmas from recurring.
Although this is true to some extent, as high cholesterol levels are a major cause of xanthelasma. But remember – it’s not the only cause of xanthelasma and close to 50% who have xanthelasma do not have abnormal cholesterol levels. Xanthelasma might also be due to genetic reasons, and some people who develop xanthelasma have had earlier instances of xanthelasma development in their families.

This is the most common one, and almost anyone can be heard preaching this message. Even some doctors do not shy away from telling their patients to cover up the xanthelasma with make-up as a potential long-term solution to this problem. The base to this solution stems from the belief that Xanthelasma removal leads to permanent spots on the surface. This is not true, and there are a number of latest techniques for Xanthelasma treatment that can help in scar-free removal of xanthelasma, which includes Laser and Cryosurgery to name a few.
You have to live with Xanthelasmas and cover them up.
The misconception that you need to live with Xanthelasma and the only way to alleviate the embarrassment of being affected by this condition is makeup is another non-truism. This myth comes from a recommendation made by a doctor on the UK TV programme embarrassing bodies.

This doctor suggested the young patient who was badly affected by Xanthelasmas to avoid treatment and just use makeup to cover the yellow patched up as a long term solution. Allegedly this was because, according to the doctor, any treatment would have led to scarring. Fortunately, this is not true as there are thousands of people worldwide who have been successfully treated without being scarred by the removal (using Lasers, Hyfrecator, XathRemover, and many other alternatives). Given all the treatments that are available nowadays, there is no need to live with your Xanthelasmas and battling every day to cover them up. Treatments that guarantee low risks of scarring and the high likelihood of successful removal are available. Therefore makeup can be used only while you are seeking the right treatment for you.
Xanthelasma removal will cost thousands.
This is because Xanthelasmas is a condition that has long been neglected by the medical sector. After all it is not a dangerous condition and keeping Xanthelasmas will not affect your health as such. It is prevalently a cosmetic condition. For almost any cosmetic condition those who have the most knowledge on the topic are cosmetic surgeons. As we all know, cosmetic doctors are not selling their services cheap. The demand for their services is almost always and almost in any country very high therefore they quote high prices for relatively easy procedures.
As an example, when this type of treatment was available for free in the UK the main procedure advised to the patient was TCA treatment. This was sensible advice since, if properly carried out, peeling treatment for Xanthelasma removal is the one that guarantees the lowest likelihood of scarring at the lowest possible cost. Therefore in the UK many thousands of individuals had their Xanthelasmas removed for free using peels in NHS clinics. However, once the problem was passed on the to private sectors the rules of the game changed as the purpose of the private sector is to make the most amount of profits making the least efforts. As a result many patients have been now quoted between £2000 and £3000 in the UK for Xanthelasma removal.
Similarly, in the USA, many patients get quoted in the region of 5000 USD in order to remove their Xanthelasmas using lasers. Therefore instead of opting for the least cost and the least risks the option cosmetic clinics offer to their patients is the not the one that offers the least risks at the least costs.
If I have Xanthelasma I am more likely to die younger of heart-related deseases
There are a number of articles on the Internet associating Xanthelasmas with early signs of heart and cardiovascular diseases. Some of these articles even go on to state that the lifespan of those affected by Xanthelasmas is lower than those of the general population. This is allegedly because the processes that lead to the accumulation of fat deposits on the epidermis (xanthomas) and the fat deposits within the arteries that cause strokes and heart attacks seem similar.
We believe that, if you have Xanthelasmas and your Cholesterol levels are normal, you should not worry about heart disease. It is always a good idea to take on regular vigorous physical activities (like jogging, cycling swimming etc) just in case. This is because, to date, we have not been able to find a research paper backing up these claims with tangible statistical data. Therefore do not worry about heart attacks, just keep healthy. Xanthelasmas and heart attacks have not been scientifically linked but stress and worry have been scientifically linked to heart disease.
, On the other hand, should you be affected by Xanthelasmas and you have high cholesterol levels you are better off changing your lifestyle and diet. By lowering your cholesterol levels your Xanthelasmas may even disappear and your chances of developing heart disease and stroke will inevitably lower.