What is the link between xanthoma (Xanthelasma) and cholesterol? The deposits of fat within the eyelids may indicate high cholesterol levels. This can contribute to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the blood vessels.
High levels of cholestrol will cause skin lesions that seem like fat deposits underneath the eyes. These lesions are known as xanthoma and appearance like yellow bumps. The xanthoma may appear at the lower and higher eyelids. During this article, we are going to discuss the link between xanthoma and high cholesterol.
How cholesterol are deposited
To understand the link between xanthoma and high cholesterol, allow us to think about however cholesterol is deposited. The xanthoma belongs to a bunch of cholesterol deposits within the skin called xanthomas. Xanthomas can find anywhere on the body, but they most commonly found in joints, knees, tendons, hands, feet, and buttocks. When they appeared underneath the eye or within the eyelid, xanthomas are called Xanthelasma. These protuberances appear as yellow yellowish papules or plaques and they may be soft or firm. They do not hurt or cause vision issues. Cholesterol deposits within the eyes begin little and start growing after some time and become permanent.
Xanthelasma causes
Fat deposits in the eyelid, known as Xanthelasma, formed as a result of excess fat in the bloodstream. Common causes include high levels of cholesterol in the blood, commonly due to a poor diet, uncontrolled diabetes, cirrhosis, certain cancers and atherosclerosis, also known as hardening of the arteries. In terms of Xanthelasma and high cholesterol, the most likely of fatty deposits of cholesterol in the eyelids increases with age. However, young adults may have this disease, especially if their family is prone to high cholesterol levels.The Xanthelasma affect people who have faced conditions associated with high cholesterol levels. They may also appear in individuals with normal fat levels, in which case a doctor should investigate other causes.
To prevent the appearance of fatty cholestrol deposits in the eyelids, it is important to maintain a healthy cholesterol level in the blood. When Xanthelasma are present, these often serve as indicators of one or more serious illnesses. According to a 2013 study published in “Biomed Research International”, 60% of people with cholesterol deposits on the eyelids have abnormal levels of blood fat and more than 40% are associated disease.
It should be noted that Xanthelasma is more than just an aesthetic problem. When these yellow spots form near the eyes, they inevitably attract attention, so they become an aesthetic “defect” that the patient wishes to hide. However, the problem usually goes beyond the skin surface, and often even affects your heart since there is a link between Xanthelasma and high cholesterol.
Remember that cholesterol is a fatty substance produced by the liver and included in foods high in saturated fat for example, meat, eggs, certain seafood and whole dairy products, which is essential, at adequate levels, for the smooth functioning of cells.