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Xanthelasma Prevention

How to prevent Xanthelasma from reappearing? The only way to prevent Xanthelasma from reoccurring is by:


  • Keeping your cholesterol levels low. This is done by eating less and eliminating meat consumption
  • Eating the high proportion of fruits and vegetables
  • Exercising regularly
  • Keep your BMI as low as possible
  • Leading a stress-free life
  • No smoking

Leading a healthy lifestyle does considerably lower the chances of Xanthelasma to reappear after removal.

Unfortunately, it is not known why certain individuals experience Xanthelasma recurrence despite conducting a healthy lifestyle and keeping their cholesterol low. In many cases, genetics play an important role in the formation of Xanthelasma. Therefore all you can do is maintain a healthy lifestyle, you should not get upset if they reoccur.

It has been reported that applying Garlic Slices once a week decreases the likelihood of Xanthelasma recurrence. Apparently, the area where the Xanthelasma usually appears needs to be covered by a slice of Garlic for 10 minutes. The Slice must be cut in half so that the juice will be in direct contact with the skin around the eyes. The following day the skin will redden and swell, allegedly this has prevented Xanthelasma from recurring. Please note that there is no scientific evidence to corroborate the efficacy of this method, however, Garlic is harmless and inexpensive and hence worth a try!

After all, if the Xanthelasma reappears all you can do is to have them treated again, and this is easy and inexpensive.

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