The electrolysis can be an effective treatment reducing scar and hair removal. It is also a quite effective treatment in order to remove your Xanthelasma. The electrolysis removal method is similar to laser treatment to remove the Xanthelasma but slightly easy to perform and also less dangerous.
Electrolysis is the chemical decomposition produced by passing an electric current through a liquid or solution containing ions. It can be used in the removal of hair roots by the application of heat using an electric current. Moreover, It is quite effective to remove your xanthelasma with in one or two sessions.
Electrolysis can be used to remove individual hairs from the face or body. Today’s medical electrolysis devices destroy the growth center of the hair with chemical or heat energy.
Different Types of Electrolysis
Galvanic Electrolysis
This type of electrolysis uses a chemical reaction to destroy the Xanthelasma, brought about using direct electrical current.The needle is inserted into the hair follicle and a small electric charge is administered. This method uses a Direct Current (DC) of electricity. When the needle is inserted, the electricity that comes down the needle causes the salt and water in the skin to be chemically altered. The combination of salt, water and electricity produces a small amount of sodium hydroxide. If produced enough, this solution can effectively damage the cells that cause hair growth.

It is performed in a very similar way to galvanic electrolysis, but instead of an electric current, the needle delivers radio energy, at a designated high frequency. The thermolysis method, also known as the short wave, works by using an Alternating Current (AC) of electricity. This current causes the water molecules in the skin around the needle to vibrate and this creates heat. If enough heat is created, it can damage the cells that cause hair growth
Blend electrolysis. Blend electrolysis, also called dual action method, is the combination and simultaneous use of galvanic and thermolysis techniques. This combination method alleviates the shortcomings of each of the individual techniques, while bolstering their advantages.
The Blend Method combines the procedure of both the Short Wave and Galvanic. During this process, sodium hydroxide is created and is then heated by the electricity. This heat and the chemical solution, then destroys the hair tissue.
Electrolysis is very effective for hair removal, but it falls short with Xanthelasma removal.
- blisters
- inflammation
- swelling
- irritation
- pigmentation changes (usually light patches on darker skin)
- redness
- swelling

While electrolysis is sometimes listed as a potential treatment or cure for Xanthelasma, it is really effective solution can actually remove your xanthelasma.
In order to use electrolysis for Xanthelasma treatment, a practitioner inserts a needle into your eyelid and then heats the needle, repeating this process for up to 15 minutes. At this point, the cautery aspect of the treatment makes the plaque appear shriveled and scorched. While it may look like it is retreating, the Xanthelasma will not go away so easily.
While results from treating Xanthelasma with electrolysis look promising. So it can be effective treatment to remove the xanthelasma.