The XanthRemover is the most effective, one of the safest and most inexpensive Xanthelasma Removal solution. Thousands people around the world have now removed their Xanthelasma by using the XanthRemover. The XanthRemover is also used for:
Xanthremover Applications
- Professional Cosmetic Peels achieving same or better exfoliation than other cosmetic peels at expensive cosmetic clinics. The first professional cosmetic peel for home use.
- Brown Spots Removal (also Called Liver Spots).
- Age Spots Removal.
- Syringoma Removal.
- Seborrheic Keratosis Removal.
- Benign Moles Removal.
- Skin Imperfection Removal.
- Skin Tightening.
- Improving the Appearance of Fine Lines and Wrinkles.
- Upper Eyelid Tightening.
- Lower Eyelid Tightening
- Crows Feet Attenuation.
- Skin Brightening.
- Stretch Marks Removal
- Milia treatment
Also with the XanthRemover you will receive FREE included in the price:

- The First Plasma Bible EBook 280 Pages. The Bible of those who want to learn all about plasma fribroblast treatments (ebook Version Value on Amazon 4.5 GBP, Audio Version Value on Audible 20 GBP)
- The Ebook “Xanthelasma An Aesthetic Affliction of the Past”. Kindle version 4.5 GBP
- The Ebook “all the methods to remove Syringoma Effectively” Kindle Version 4.5 GBP
- 20 Audible Value+4.5 Kindle +4.5 Kindle= 29 GBP worth of books included in the price.
What is Xanthremover?
- SAFE! It is developed in a gel-like consistency to avoid drips.
- It is an amazing cosmetic peel which does not burn like any other Glycolic acid based peel.
- It delivers the depth of peeling you want depending on the timing of the application. The longer you keep it on the deeper the peeling effect.
- It is manufactured, packaged and labelled by an ISO 22716:2008 Laboratory.
- It is a COSMETIC PEEL made to remove Xanthelasma, IT IS NOT A MEDICATION.
- Safe, thanks to the peel types we use in the XanthRemover it is SAFE for home use! We do not use any TCA!
- The only peel whose effects can be stopped by simply wiping it off and rinsing with water. (May not be possible with alternative TCA peels available)
- Inexpensive!
- Very unlikely to leave scars!
- Easy to use!
- Saves tons of time and money!
- It even removes thick Xanthelasma in 80% of the Cases!
- Xanthelasma Recurrence rate 20%. However, in this unlikely case the XanthRemover can be reapplied onto the new Xanthelasma and remove them again.

The XanthRemover is based on different types of peelings depending on your type of Xanthelasmas and skin type. The most common are based o Glycolic Acid and Vitamin A and other natural ingredients that selectively help dissolve the fat present in the Xanthelasmas.
We are using two main ingredients,one is glycolic acid with a high percentage in the region of 70% to 95% and the second one is Vitamin A with its highest allowable concentration.
- We can assist you on-line throughout the whole removal process until the Xanthelasma are gone!
- You can also opt for the Money Back guarantee option
Why is the XanthRemover safer and better than any other peels for treating Xanthelasma
Generally there are very low risks in applying specialized peels to achieve complete Xanthelasma removal. Peels are generally the preferred option for Xanthelasma removal, this is because they are inexpensive and proven not to cause scarring if used properly.
The peels that you find online may have lower quality control behind them, especially because you usually get what you pay for. They also lack the special additives that is required to make the treatment safe at home. What type of peel right for your skin? What is the best peel concentration for your skin type? If you have any question, do you think other merchants will be able to help you with useful information about Xanthelasma removal if you are in need of it? Instead, we can help you throughout the complete removal process!
Alternative cosmetic peels can easily cause dangerous drips during the application. Additionally, they do not have the same effectiveness in the treatment of Xanthelasma as the XanthRemover. The areas affected by Xanthelasma are generally more delicate than other parts of your skin, therefore you want to make sure that the solution you are applying close to your eyes is of the highest quality and not too corrosive or damaging. This is one of the reasons why the XanthRemover is customized to accommodate your skin type and Xanthelasma.
The XanthRemover is better than any other treatment for Xanthelasma because:
- Safe, thanks to the peel types we use in the XanthRemover it is SAFE for home use! We do not use any TCA!
- The XanthRemover has been developed to minimize the likelihood of contact with the eyes due to its gel-like thick consistency. This will minimise the risk of drips formation during its application.
- The ingredients selected are guaranteed to be of the highest quality to remove Xanthelasma on one of the most delicate parts of your skin, your eyelids.
- If you have any question about your cosmetic treatment after purchasing the XanthRemover we are here to help you with our advice. All you need to do is just email your up-to-date pictures and we will answer your questions and we will advise you as you throughout the treatment.
We don’t use any TCA
what our clients say
These are the pictures that Tom from Glasgow (UK) sent us in January this year. He said that he got rid of his Xanthelasmas only after 3 treatments with the XanthRemover.


Richard from Wales, UK sent these pictures. He said that he got rid of his Xanthelasmas only after 2 treatments with the XanthRemover. The picture was taken after 15 days of last treatment that was done by his wife. NO TCA was used in the formulation.

Before and After the XanthRemove