The Xanthelasma Treatment Options
Different Treatments and their Costs
Type of treatments proven to work
The available treatments that are scientifically proven to work are only:
There are also other treatments which some people have said they worked for them , however they have not lead to consistent results.
These Are:
- Cryotherapy
- The Use of Castor Oil
- And The Use of Garlic
What are the chances of scarring after Xanthelasma Treatment?
The chances of scarring after undergoing Xanthelasma treatment depend on the
- Type of treatment
- Whether any damage was caused to the dermis during the treatment
- Infections following the treatment
TCA TrichloroAcetic Acid Peels in Clinics
The TCA allows easy removal of Xanthelasma usually within one or two treatments. This makes the product very successful within cosmetic clinics because the client can see the results soon after the first session and the results are achieved within a relatively short time-frame. However, TCA is not very easy to control and compared to other types of cosmetic peels, it could be too aggressive on certain skin types and more prone to cause, hypo or hyper-pigmentation than other types of peels. Therefore it may not be the best option for home use given that there are milder peels available on the market which are easier to control. However several people have purchased TCA peels and removed their Xanthelasma from their own home.
Xanthelasma Laser Treatment
Xanthelasma laser treatment is very effective in removing Xanthelasma, but it is very expensive. This Xanthelasma laser removal method is similar to electrolysis or electrical arcing in removing the Xanthelasma but slightly more difficult to perform and also more dangerous.
Xanthelasma Surgical excision
Xanthelasma excision using a Scalpel
This is the oldest method of removing Xanthelasma. It consists in using the same procedure used for skin cancer excision. This is a very effective procedure in removing Xanthelasma within one session. However, it is very invasive:
- Bleeding will inevitably occur during the surgical procedure
- The use of local anesthetic is mandatory
- There are risks of infections
- The procedure will almost inevitably scar the patient
This type of procedure is to be avoided due to the high chances of scarring. Given all the modern techniques available, there is no reason for this type of treatment to be used any longer.

Scars following excision using a scalpel

Scalpel Excision to be avoided

Visible scar left by Scalpel Xanthelasma excision
Xanthelasma Removal using Electrical Arc
Electrical Arcing also referred to as fibroblast is one of the newest and most cost effective ways to remove Xanthelasma. This method has become more and more popular from 2015 and it has revolutionised the way to remove Xanthelasma in cosmetic clinics because it inexpensive, easy to perform and it rarely leads to scarring.
In Aesthetics, besides Xanthelasam removal, electrical arcing is also used for:
- Tattoo Removal
- Skin Tightening
- Benign Mole Removal
- Skin Lesions Removal and more

Xanthelasma Removal by Freezing
This removal treatment involves freezing the xanthelasma with liquid nitrogen or another chemical. Which is also known as Cryotherapy. Liquid nitrogen xanthelasma treatment is referred to as Cryo-Xanthelasma-ablation, and you will see this option come up from time to time. However the dangers of applying extreme low temperatures to your eyelids and the disappointing results have made this removal treatment the least favored – it is simply too dangerous, destructive and the results are unreliable.
The effects of Cryotherapy are difficult to control. Therefore although it has been adopted as a Xanthelasma treatment in some Clinics, it is not generally advisable to be used for Xanthelasma removal for two reasons:
- Relatively high potential dangers to the eyes (even normal eye protectors used to protect the eyes during laser excision cannot protect the eyes against the deep cold of the cryosurgery).
- This treatment presents the highest likelihood of neither being suitable nor effective.
The risks of infection after the procedure are very low.
Xanthelasma Treatment with Castor Oil
There are several effective ways to have Xanthelasma removed however some people would prefer a more natural way to deal with their xanthelasma, which would lead them to consider castor oil. Although it is not shown to be very effective for Xanthelasma Removal It is definitely worth a try!

Xanthelasma Garlic Treatment
Garlic reduces cholesterol and blood pressure. It’s not going to hurt you taking garlic in an attempt to control your Xanthelasma, as it can help you lower your cholesterol levels and has other health benefits, it is a great option to improve your health and reduce the detrimental effects of an increasing cholesterol level. Some people have reported the use of Garlic in a certain way effective in the removal of their Xanthelasma at home however the results are very inconsistent.