[efaccordion id=”01″] [efitems title=”Enquiry sent on 16.11.2015. I have has Xanthelasma for 3 years, can you help?” text=”
Question:(I had) Xanthelasma for 3 years now. The area around my eyes are naturally dark and seems to be hereditary. Xanthelasma is not in (our) family. (I) Also have had red mark under right eye for 25 years. Could use your help. Let me know what you think.
Answer: Dear Enquirer. Thank you for sending us your pictures. Your Xanthelasma seem quite typical. The XanthRemover can remove your lesions easily. It may require a number of applications to have satisfactory results,but after each application you will be able to notice some improvement. If you would like to purchase the XanthRemover please feel free to do so online on https://xanthelasmaremoval.com/contact-us/buy-the-xanthremover/.
Should you have any further question please feel free to contact us.
Please note that we are not making any formal or informal diagnosis. For a formal diagnosis please contact your specialist.
Kind Regards
Customer Services
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