Diabetics have a higher probability to be affected by Xanthoma or Xanthelamsa due to the higher likelihood of having higher LDL (or bad cholesterol). There maybe a correlation with some autoimmune disease which increases the likelihood of developing Xanthelasma.
There is a robust link between xanthoma and diabetes. It may be due to the inability to metabolise glucose which culminates in excess aldohexose ( a type osf carbohydrate) within the body. This affects the breaking down of alternative molecule and nutrients within the body. Probably this is a contributing factor to the inability to metabolise cholesterol effectively. Consequently increasing the likelihood of Xanthoma or Xanthelasma formation.
Some scientific research have linked Xanthelasma and diabetes. Xanthelasma is a collection of cholesterol around the eyelid, As we know unwanted collection of cholesterol plaques in the body can lead to various health complications like ischemic heart diseases. No matter how much change is made to prevent cardiovascular risk factors, these conditions may still be more prevalent in individuals suffering from Xanthelasma.
Diabetes may have an effect on food absorption and metabolism, one amongst the molecules affected by diabetes is cholesterol. This inability to metabolise cholesterol effectively can cause excess accumulation of cholesterol within the body, like within the blood vessels and elsewhere. The excess cholesterol could be deposited as Xanthelasma around the eyes.
The link between Xanthelasma and Diabetes?
Xanthelasma and Xanthoma, as described above, involves the accumulation of cholesterol around the eyelids and it is equally associated with fat deposits in various parts of the body including the walls of the blood vessels. Fat can serve as one of the sources for synthesis of new glucose. The accumulation of fat may mean increased raw material is available for glucose synthesis.
The increase in glucose synthesis translates into an increased insulin synthesis at the early stage of the process.
However, the pancreas which is the organ responsible for producing insulin, in case the excess glucose synthesis persists can get overworked over time. and this will be the situation if the fat accumulation does not decrease. Once the pancreas is overworked, its ability to produce insulin will reduce, and this will culminate to excess glucose in blood circulation. In essence the link between Xanthelasma and diabetes is due to the increase in fat within in the body which is a possible indication of the increased glucose production (leading to diabetes in the long run).
The condition is a blessing in disguise; the link between Xanthelasma and diabetes enables medical experts to easily detect the underlying condition on time before the diabetes aggravates, enabling them to effect the right treatments before it is too late.