6 Colwick Road, Nottingham UK
+44 7830 885825 , 0044(0)115 888 3318

Xanthremover Instructions

XantheRemover Applications Instructions

Xanthelasma instructions

Seborrheic Keratosis Instructions

Mole Removal  Instructions

Brown Spots Removal

Acne Scar

Syringoma Removal


Only use this product after you have read and understood the patch test instructions below. This product contains high percentage glycolic acid and it is meant to burn benign skin lesions and be used for deep skin peels hence you must follow the mandatory patch tests before use. This product is a very effective potent tool and as such must be used appropriately. Do not attempt to use it before completing the full patch testing as described in detail in the instructions. Please note that the patch testing procedure lasts for several days and must be observed and completed precisely as described.

Please note that incorrect use or incorrect aftercare use can lead to:

Unnecessary swelling (temporary), discomfort and pain

Scarring, Hypo and /or hyperpigemntation, Infection and/or delayed healing if the inappropriate aftercare is used, Unexpected downtime, distress due to unexpected downtime.

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